our vision:  

To help produce confident learners, curious listeners and young voices who achieve their personal best.

B IS FOR BELONGING - Fitting in or feeling you are part of a group

R IS FOR RESPECT - Consideration for someone's feelings

I IS FOR INDEPENDENCE - Freedom to make own decisions

C IS FOR CURIOSITY - Wanting to find out more

K IS FOR KINDNESS - The use of one's talent to better the lives of others

S IS FOR SUCCESS - The accomplishment of an aim, goal or objective

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Monitoring your child's progress with famly
At Foundations Day Nursery we are continually checking in with you and your child to ensure that they are developing and progressing throughout their time in our care. Each child is assigned a Key Person throughout their stay with us and they are responsible for monitoring your child's progress. During your child's day using the FAMLY app you can keep a glance of your child's day with a touch of a button. No more bits of paper at the end of the day, instead you can see that your child'd needs are being met each and every day. That's not all, you can quickly keep in touch during the day with a simple messaging service which helps to communicate much quicker so we can send you a reassuring message when your child has settled which can help give peace of mind. As your child progresses with us, a transition document is also completed which will then be discussed with you in transition meetings.
Visit us at our Selly Oak nursery and see for yourself
Still have questions about what we can offer? 
call us today on 0121 414 0583
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